Mahatma Gandhi’s Vision for Indian Agriculture

महात्मा गांधींची भारतीय कृषी क्षेत्रातील दृष्टी

Village-Centric Economy | ग्रामकेंद्रित अर्थव्यवस्था

Gandhi believed in the development of villages with agriculture as the foundation for self-reliance and prosperity.

Self-Sufficiency (Swadeshi) | स्वावलंबन (स्वदेशी)

He encouraged local crop production to reduce dependency on imports and promote agricultural self-reliance.

Sarvodaya (Welfare for All) | सर्वोदयी (सर्वांसाठी कल्याण)

Gandhi aimed for inclusive agricultural growth, benefiting even the poorest farmers.

Promotion of Khadi and Rural Industries | खादी आणि ग्रामीण उद्योगांचा प्रचार

He advocated for rural industries like Khadi to complement agricultural income and reduce financial pressure on farmers.

Abolition of Exploitation in Agriculture | कृषीतील शोषणाचा अंत

Gandhi opposed the exploitation of farmers by landlords, calling for fair pricing and the abolition of oppressive systems.